Category Archives: predatory publisher

Internal Medicine Review, Dylan Fazel, Reni Koen, “Lisseth Tovar”, “Kateryna Bielka”,,,

This is really just a pointer to a blog article published elsewhere on the topic of an annoying Swiss spammer apparently based in Latin America.

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(RESOLVED) Annex Publishing Group

Endurance ( did the right thing and suspended the domain names and all services for a variety of Annex Publishers domain names and websites so that IP addresses that had sent Annex Publishers spam could be delisted.

Thank you.

ScienceDomain International and/or IK Press

Something calling itself “ScienceDomain International Ltd”, apparently of Third Floor, 207 Regent Street, London, W1B 3HH, continues to turn up in spamtraps. They have existed as an UK company twice, but both registrations have been dissolved (Reg. No 07794635 – Dissolved on 14 January 2014; Reg. No 08988029 – Dissolved on 24 November 2015). Nonetheless, they process personal data without having ever registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office, which in itself is a criminal act in the United Kingdom.

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A blog entry on (predatory publisher recognized by the Beall’s List for three years already) was prompted by a comment on our “who are these people” page by Aleksandrs V, representative of the Latvian ESP who are currently providing services to this spammer.
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