Category Archives: bogus academic conferences
OMICS is Fake News
Interesting read in Bloomberg

Kenes Group: Inviting spamtraps to meetings
Kenes Group (, Kenes International Organizers of Congresses S.A., Rue Francois-Versonnex 7, 1207 Geneva, Switzerland, tel: +41 22 908 0488, fax: +41 22 906 9140) wants to invite spamtraps to scientific meetings they organize. Vertical Response already threw them out, now they’ve been contaminating Marketo space for over two months already. Marketo has been informed on May 1, to no effect as far as can be seen. The address list used by Kenes Group has all the hallmarks of being derived from the PubMed.
LISTED: GTCbio / GTC Conferences
This is a spammer that’s been notice in a presentation on managing email (slide 18) by the University of Texas Medical Branch. We would, of course, recommend that nobody nowhere attempt to unsubscribe from spam, which is a position widely accepted in the DNSBL circles.
LISTED: Global Biotechnology Congress 2014
Judging from the network and domain name used, this has a connection to Bentham Science Publishers, our #1 listee.
Bogus academic conferences it is this time.