Owner of listed network to us: “Remove the listing, the network was only assigned to us many months after the listing was created!”
ScientificSpam: *look at WHOIS*… and find that the network was assigned to the requestor two years before the listing was created. In addition, the network assignment even has a name that indicates it having been assigned to the requestor six years before the listing was created, being CC-XXXXX-YYYYMMDD, where CC is the country code, XXXXX is the operator’s name, and there’s a number sequence that looks too much like an YYYY-MM-DD date stamp not to be one.
If you’re hoping to have networks delisted, better invent better reasons than “it wasn’t us” when the facts are trivial to check. Besides, it’s really great to lose your reputation with us this way. We won’t believe you even if you told us water is wet now 😀