Category Archives: J. Random Spammer

LISTED: Science Publishing Group

Science Publishing Group (website, also noticed by Dr Beall’s excellent site) is targeting “Dear [AUTHOR LIST]” directly lifted off publications with spam inviting the entire group to propose a special issue and be the lead guest editor. Which of them? 🙂
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EMAS (European Menopause and Andropause Society) and NATA (Network for the Advancement of Patient Blood Management, Haemostasis and Thrombosis) are somehow in cahoots. Or at least they both are spamming through the same facilities that are used by nobody else to our knowledge.
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LISTED: AccuraScience

AccuraScience at is listed… and cartooneyed us!

The following gems were posted by Justin Li:

Dear Rocket.scientist,

I have made my points abundantly clear and have no intent to conduct further discussion with you.

Consider yourself warned, however. If the activity of your organization results in financial loss of profit of a legitimate commercial entity conducting legal business, your organization and the individuals responsible will be sued in court.


Justin Li

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LISTED: Research and Markets Ltd

This is a long-time spammer (original link dead; link to archived copy) but we wonder if it has anything to do with science as such. Their spam this time has to do with a book on The Ecological Genomics of Fungi, and the addresses spammed are, predictably, obtained from the PubMed.

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